Covid19 Coronavirus Visualizations

US Data current through 3/9/2023

Infections: 103,789,036 (46,931 yesterday) up 0.2% from one week ago
Deaths: 1,123,795 (590 yesterday) up 0.1% from one week ago
New Infections last 7 days: 219,028 down -18.0% from one week ago
New Deaths last 7 days: 2,169 down -13.0% from one week ago
Hospitalized: 23,919 down -6.3% from one week ago

There are a lot of great Coronavirus tracking websites and dashboards out there. This isn't one of them.

But I've been having fun with data animations (these were made with d3.js) and here are a few that I find interesting.

1/02/2022: With the Omicron variant in full swing, I re-added support for hospitalization and ICU data with data from

The Graphs:

7 Day rolling infections and Deaths compared side by side (NEW)

View the last week change for all states side-by-side for any metric.

Choose states and compare trends & metrics

Same as State line charts but you can select up to 10 counties

View the last week change for countries side-by-side for any metric.

Choose countries and compare trends & metrics

US County Maps (Animated)


Some Population Density Visualizations:

Note: I'm including these since I built them looking to see a relationship between population density and covid19. Intuitively it seemed like there would be a correlation but it doesn't appear to be obvious (at least; not to me.)